库拉索芦荟 - 芦荟汇聚地!



其实语言学看似枯燥,但只要和其他学科相结合,就会变得非常有意思,我研究生在英国读的应用语言学(Applied Linguistics),就选修了好几门有趣的课程,给你简单介绍一下。第一学期我选择了心理语言学,也就是语言和心理相结合的一门课。一开始老师就给我们做了这样一个实验:有三样东西,一个是木勺子,一个是铁勺子,一个是木头,木勺子和铁勺子长得一模一样,只是材料不同;木勺子和木头的材质一模一样。然后问你应该把木勺子和铁勺子归为一组,还是把木勺子和木头归我一组。因为大家都来自世界各地,所以答案也不一样。最后老师告诉我们,如果自己的母语里有可数和不可数的区分,就容易把木勺子和铁勺子归为一组,比如英语;如果母语里没有这种区分,就容易把木勺子和木头归为一组,比如汉语。但如果同时会两门语言,比如我们这些留学生,就要看第二语言对我们思维的影响有多大了。这门课非常有意思,老师带着我们看了很多语言和意识互相影响的研究。所以,说着不同语言的人们,有可能看到的世界也不一样哟。后来我又学了一门社会语言学,也很好玩。论文我写的是性别和语言的关系。我自己做了实验,随机录下学生公寓的厨房内发生的男女对话。然后按照书上讲的性别理论来做分析,发现男女在说话的时候,用词,句式,停顿,语气等方面确实不一样,很有意思。除了以上我提到的心理语言学和社会语言学,现在比较火的还有犯罪语言学,通过语言学的知识来分析犯罪活动,甚至能够帮助破案。还有广告语言学,可以让商家创作出吸引顾客的广告词等等。所以看似枯燥的语言学,其实在实际生活的方方面面都大有用处呢。From 夏子老师,一个接地气的知识分子。 微信公众号:夏子英文课



2.7 Suprasegmental features

2.7.1 Definition
Distinctive features that occur in units
larger than sound segments, such as the
syllables, words, phrases and sentences, are
called suprasegmental features (超音段特征).

The features include tone/pitch, stress and intonation.
2.7.2 Tone /Pitch (音调/声调/调位)

Tone/pitch is the degree of highness of voice.

It depends on how fast the vocal cords
vibrate when we speak. The faster they vibrate,
the higher the pitch is.
The way pitch is used linguistically differs
from language to language.

In English—cat
In Chinese—mao mao mao mao
level rise fall-rise fall
猫 毛 卯 帽
English is not a tone language.
Chinese is a tone language.

A tone language is a language in which the
variation of tone can distinguish words.

Tone is a feature that can distinguish words
in some languages, such as Chinese, and since it
occurs in word level which is larger than sound
segments, we say
—tone is a suprasegmental feature.

Besides Chinese, other tone languages are
spoken in Vietnam, Thailand and central America.



问题一:违反规则用英语怎么说 break/violate the rule(s)
breach of regulation/rule(s)
departure from rule(s)

问题二:违反规则的英文怎么说 break the rule

问题三:违反规定英文怎么说 violate/against the rule/regulation

问题四:违反法律。你会受到惩罚。用英语怎么说? If you are in violation of the law,you will be punished.

问题五:违反的英语 违反-名词violation违反, 侵害违反-动词violate违反, 侵犯, 违背, 违犯, 触犯, 违go against违背, 违反, 逆, 戾, 触犯counter应对, 违反, 应答, 响应

问题六:违反了交通规则用英语怎么说 5分 break traffic rules
Do you订break traffic rules? 你违反了交通规则吗?

问题七:遵守规则 违反规则 用英语怎么说 ply with the rules of the rules

问题八:违反合约,违反合同,违反合约用英语怎么说最合适 违反合约
[词典] [经] contravention to treaty; violate contract;
They also require ample forethought to avoid alienating customers, violating contracts, and racking up extra costs.

问题九:违反校规英语怎么说 break the school rules/ violate the罚school rules .
校规:school rules;

问题十:违反规则用英语怎么说 break/violate the rule(s)
breach of regulation/rule(s)
departure from rule(s)