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sai意思是绘图软件。SAI是由日本SYSTEMAX公司销售、SYSTEMAX Software Development开发的一款绘图软件。SAI是Easy Paint Tool SAI的简称,和其他同类软件不一样的地方是,SAI给众多数字插画家以及CG爱好者提供了一个轻松创作的平台。SAI具有人性化,追求的是与手写板极好的相互兼容性、绘图的美感、简便的操作。SAI的画板可以任意旋转、翻转画布,缩放时反锯齿,以及强大的墨线功能。SAI的特点:SAI的操作相对简单,并且资源占用很小,即使是一般的电脑也能带得动。缺点在于后期图像处理方面,需要借助PS、优动漫PAINT(CSP)等其他软件来调整后期;文件大小也有限制,无法创建大尺寸的画布。一般主要用于前期打草稿、描线以及上色环节,适合刚接触板绘的新手。


v. 航行;驾(船)。n. 帆;航行;航海。语法:sail的基本意思是“帆”,或指乘船在海上或水上的“游览”,也可指从某地到另外一个地方的“航程”。sail还可指“船”。sail作“航程”解时多为不可数名词,如前有定语修饰时,其前可加不定冠词a。sail作“船”解时,单复数同形。make sail有时与set sail同义,意为“起航”,两者后接介词for,但不能接to。在full sail, take in sail, under sail等短语中, sail前均无冠词,且sail为单数形式,但在take the wind out of sb's sails短语中, sail则须用复数形式。词汇搭配:back the sails 整帆使船倒退belly sail 风将帆吹鼓crowd all sails 张起所有的帆fill the sails 使帆满风go for sail 乘船游览hoist sail 扬帆let out the sails 张帆lift a sail 扯起帆lower a sail 下帆make sail 张帆起航put up a sail 扯起帆raise the sails 升帆,扬帆reduce a sail 收帆set sail 扬帆起航shorten sails 收帆减速spread a sail 扯起〔扬〕帆


sail的意思是帆;乘船航行;(风车的)翼板;起航;(船)航行;(人)乘船航行;驾驶(或乘坐)帆船航行(尤指作为体育运动)。1、(of a boat or ship or the people on it 船或船上的人) (船)航行。to travel on water using sails or an engine.[V , usually + adv./prep.] to sail into harbour驶入海港。The dinghy sailed smoothly across the lake.小艇平稳地驶过湖面。The ferry sails from Newhaven to Dieppe.渡船行驶于纽黑文和迪耶普之间。one of the first people to sail around the world最早进行环球航行的人之一[VN] to sail the Atlantic在大西洋上航行。2、also go sailing驾驶(或乘坐)帆船航行(尤指作为体育运动)to control or travel on a boat with a sail, especially as a sport.[V] We spent the weekend sailing off the south coast.我们在南部海岸附近驾帆船度过了周末。Do you go sailing often?你常去驾帆船玩吗?[VN] She sails her own yacht..她驾驶自己的游艇。3、[V] (of a boat or ship or the people in it 船只或船上的人) 起航to begin a journey on water.We sail at 2 p.m. tomorrow.我们明天下午两点起航。He sailed for the West Indies from Portsmouth.他从朴次茅斯起航,向西印度群岛进发。4、[V + adv./prep.] 掠;飘;浮游;(人)昂首而行,气宇轩昂地走to move quickly and smoothly in a particular direction; (of people) to move in a confident manner.clouds sailing across the sky.飘过天空的云彩。The ball sailed over the goalie's head.球从守门员头顶飞过。She sailed past me, ignoring me completely.她从我身边翩然走过,看都不看我一眼。以上内容参考:百度翻译-sail


vi.航行; 起航; 驾驶帆船;
vt.航行; 开船; (水禽)游泳; 驾驶(船);
n.帆船; 航行; 帆状物; 航行距离;

He wanted to sail his ship abroad with all kinds of goods.

Susan: I love to sail, but I never have time.