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Spring Festival couplets新春伊始,春节将临,按照我国的传统习俗,城乡百姓家家户户总要贴上新的春联,以示辞旧迎新,期冀度过和和睦睦的除夕之夜,迎来甜甜美美的新春佳节。可以说,春节是我国特有的传统节日,而春联则是我国独有的一种传统文化。贴春联: 春联俗称“门对”、“春贴”、“对联”、“对子”、雅称“楹联”。喜庆的大红春联贴门上是对联的一种,因在春节时张贴,故名春联的一个源头是桃符。最初人们以桃木刻人形挂在门旁以避邪,后来画门神像于桃木上,再简化为在桃木板上题写门神名字。春联的另一来源是春贴。古人在立春日多贴“宜春”二字,后渐发展为春联。春联源于古代的桃符。桃符是挂在大门两旁的长方形的桃木板。上面写上“神荼”,“郁垒”二神名,以驱鬼避邪。每逢春节,人们总要用新桃符替换旧挑符。王安石“千门万户除旧日,总把新桃换旧符”的诗句,说的就是这件事。在对联的正中央张贴着四字「横批」,横批的下方分别贴了几张「挂钱」。在房间的门或墙壁上大都会贴着菱形的「斗方」。一般而言,「福」字及「春」字是张贴数最多的斗方。有人会故意将「福」及「春」字倒过来贴,因为这样象征着「福到」、「春到」。有些人家不但在大门两侧张贴春联,还在门的左右边分别张贴着绘有门神的画像。除夕当天贴的春联将会一直保持到它们自然脱落或褪色为止。


问题一:贴春联用英语怎么说 贴春联
[词典] post new year's scrolls;
They put up posters on their doors and walls.

问题二:用英文介绍贴春联50词 During the festival, each family would light firecrackers and paste up Spring Festival couplets, and the relatives and friends would send New Year's greetings go each other to wish everything *** oothly in the new year.
The Chinese people love to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, which are also written on red paper.
Spring scrolls, also known as spring posts, are poems written on red rice paper to celebrate the New Year.
During the Spring Festival,every family pastes the Spring Festival couplets on their doors to express sincere blessings and good wishes.

问题三:“贴春联”的英文怎么写? 30分 Pasting Spring Couplets and Pictures
put up Spring Festival couplets

问题四:“春联”用英文怎么说? Spring Festival couplets
new year scroll

问题五:“春联”英语怎么说? 春联 1.Spring Festival couplets
2. New Year couplets
He put paste on the back of spring couplets

问题六:“春联”英语怎么说 春联:spring festival couplets

问题七:贴春联用英语怎么说 贴春联
[词典] post new year's scrolls;
They put up posters on their doors and walls.

问题八:"贴春联"用英语怎么说? Put on Spring Festival couplets.

问题九:“春联”用英文怎么说? Spring Festival couplets
new year scroll

问题十:用英文介绍贴春联50词 During the festival, each family would light firecrackers and paste up Spring Festival couplets, and the relatives and friends would send New Year's greetings go each other to wish everything *** oothly in the new year.
The Chinese people love to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, which are also written on red paper.
Spring scrolls, also known as spring posts, are poems written on red rice paper to celebrate the New Year.
During the Spring Festival,every family pastes the Spring Festival couplets on their doors to express sincere blessings and good wishes.
