库拉索芦荟 - 芦荟汇聚地!



  惊涛拍岸的意思:   惊人的巨浪拍打着江岸   形容令人恐惧的的大事来临很吃惊.   英语翻译:   Jingtao shore   ging dvao bok nkan   raging waves pound on the banks   双语例句   惊涛拍岸,卷起大片大片白云样的泡沫,这使人难以相信,竟会有人能从海上登上滩头。   Wonderful waves rolling in, enormous clouds of foam, made one marvel that anybody could have got ashore at the landing.   有一天,我和一对年轻夫妇全家去密西根湖边的灯塔,那里的湖面波涛汹涌,惊涛拍岸。   The waves of Lake Michigan were high and splashing onto the pier one day as I followed a young family out to a lighthouse.   放松倾听大师们的音乐,聆听大自然的乐章——风在树梢的私语,鸟儿的歌唱和惊涛拍岸之声。   Relax to the music of the masters; listen to the symphony 3 of nature — the hum of the wind in the treetops, bird songs, thundering surf.

惊涛拍岸这个成语是什么意思 惊涛拍岸意思介绍

1、惊涛拍岸的拼音 [jīng tāo pāi àn] 惊涛拍岸的意思 惊涛骇浪猛烈地拍打着岸边。也用来形容令人恐惧的的大事来临很吃惊。现代汉语词典上只有“惊涛骇浪”一词。

