库拉索芦荟 - 芦荟汇聚地!



摄影师:[ shè yǐng shī ]
Her silken long hair attracted the attention of a photographer.
The photographer took a photo of a herd of elephants.
She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.
He found the noise of the photographers a distraction.


  摄影是指使用某种专门设备进行影像记录的过程,也称之为照相,那么你知道摄影用英语怎么说吗?现在跟我一起学习关于摄影的英语知识吧。   摄影英语说法   photograph   take a photograph   shoot a film    摄影的英语例句   他是个业余摄影 爱好 者。   He is an amateur photographer.   凯文-卡特与他的获奖摄影   Kevin Carter& His Prize-winning photograph in Sudan   我决定学摄影以便更能欣赏自然的美。   I've decided to learn photography in order that I may better appreciate the beauty of nature.   我们到该校拍摄影片时,获得校方的大力协助。   The school was very cooperative when we made a film there.   这位摄影师拍了一张象群的照片。   The photographer took a photo of a herd of elephants.   他正在摄影室工作。   He is working in his photographic studio.   业余摄影爱好者和职业摄影师均可参赛。   The competition is open to both amateur and professional photographers.   此次一日摄影工作坊为摄影灯光进阶课程。   Learn how to light your images with this advanced photography lighting course.   他们之中,有几位摄影师发展了侧面投影摄影技术。   Several of these photographers developed side projects.   该屏幕为显微摄影和天文摄影好。   This screen is good for photomicrography and astrophotography.   被视为现代摄影之父的马克斯·杜培   Max Dupain, regarded as the father of modern photography   他的决定在艺术摄影圈内引起了恐慌。   His decision caused consternation in the art photography community.   他初涉这个领域时做的是婚礼摄影。   His first endeavours in the field were wedding films.   英国新闻摄影界的领军人物之一   One of the leading pioneers of British Photo Journalism   这种电池充电器是摄影工作者的好帮手。   This battery booster is a boon for photographers.   一群电视台的摄影师和报社摄影记者   A group of TV cameramen and press photographers   她从挤作一团的摄影记者中挤了过去。   She pushed through the scrum of photographers.   我紧张地把摄影机架在大腿上,但是它冰冷的外形并没能给我任何安慰。   I cradled my video camera nervously on my lap, but its cold contours did nothing to comfort me.   迈克:我喜欢摄影,我不是个导演,我会帮史蒂文的,但我还要干我的老本行&当摄影师。   Mike: I love to shoot pictures. I'm not a director. I'll help Steven, but I want my old job as cameraperson.   蒂姆摄影 经验 丰富,在过去13年里一直以拍摄野生生物为业余爱好。   An old hand at photography, Tim has been shooting wildlife as a hobby for the last 13 years.   活动还吸引了很多机构,纷纷提供咨询、培训、摄影服务,同时帮助进一步完善 故事 ,增强故事对于客户、投资者或潜在合作伙伴的吸引力。   The events also attract organizations that consult and coach, film, and fine-tune business leaders 'tales so they appeal to customers, investors, or potential partners.   关于摄影的英文阅读:莫高窟洞窟内部首次对摄影师开放   Over 100 photographers from China and overseas gathered at the Mogao Caves in Gansu on Monday, the first such event ever hosted at the site.   本周一,百余名中外摄影家齐聚甘肃莫高窟,这是莫高窟首次举办此类活动。   The Mogao Caves, also known as the Thousand-Buddha Caves, about 25 km southeast of Dunhuang city, are one of the largest and best-preserved sites of Buddhist art in the world.   莫高窟也被称为千佛洞,位于敦煌市东南方向约25公里,是世界上规模最大、保存最完好的佛教艺术宝库之一。   According to Dunhuang Academy, the authority in charge of the research, protection and management of the site, no one has ever been allowed to take cameras into the caves by themselves, and until now all photos showing the inside of the caves were taken by the academy only.   负责莫高窟研究、保护、管理工作的敦煌研究院表示,此前从未允许任何人私自带相机进入莫高窟,目前所有展现莫高窟洞窟内部的照片仅由敦煌研究院拍摄。   The event, lasting from Oct 10 to 15, aims to demonstrate the art and historical richness of the caves. Five caves dating to different historical periods will be opened to the photographers.   此次活动时间从本月10日持续至15日,旨在展现莫高窟的艺术性和丰富的史学意义。5个不同历史时期的洞窟将向摄影家开放。   The copyright of all photos will belong to Dunhuang Academy, and the photos will be reviewed and selected by experts with the results published on the official website of the academy.   所有照片的版权将归敦煌研究院所有,这些照片将由专家进行评选,评选结果将在敦煌研究院官网公布。   Wang Xudong, head of Dunhuang Academy, said: "This activity is part of our effort to showcase and protect Dunhuang culture. Hopefully more people will understand the caves by photographing and joining the army that protects the precious cultural relics of humanity."   敦煌研究院院长王旭东表示:“这次活动是我们展示和保护敦煌 文化 的一部分。希望能有更多的人通过拍摄来了解洞窟,并加入保护人类宝贵文物的队伍中来。” 猜你喜欢: 1. 关于摄影的中英文经典语录 2. 摄影公司简介范文 3. 摄影作品英语怎么说 4. 婚纱影楼创意广告词 5. 学习摄影心得体会6篇 6. 摄影心得体会范文