河马的英文:hippo 英 [ˈhɪpəʊ] 美 [ˈhɪpoʊ] 例句1鸟儿的歌声使河马十分嫉妒,以至于他脑子里一片空白。The songs of the bird filled the hippo with so much envythat he couldn't think of anything else. 2最后,河马下定决心要从河里出来,爬上树,开始唱歌。Finally, the hippo made up his mind that he would come out of the river, climb the tree, and start singing. 3狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it. 4在仅剩的几个水坑里,河马根本无法没入水中。Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes 5可惜,河马也不会唱歌。Unfortunately, hippos can't sing, either. 6鳄鱼和河马生活在它的水域里。Crocodiles and hippos live in its waters. 7从前,一只河马住在一棵大树旁的河里。Once upon a time, a hippolived in a river next to a big tree. 8然而,当河马试图爬上树时,很明显,他并没有翅膀可以飞起来,也没有爪子便于爬树。However, when he tried to climb the tree, it was very clear that the hippo didn't have wings, nor claws to climb with. 9他嘴里传来了可怕的声音,当其他动物听到时,他们都围过来取笑河马。All that came from his mouth were terrible noises, and when the other animals heard this, they all came around to make fun of the hippo. 10这条河里有很多河马Hippopotamuses teem in this river. 11当我们拿鲸的DNA与其他生物比对时,我们惊奇的发现,鲸鱼竟然是河马的后代!And when we compared some whale DNA with DNA from some other species, we got quite a surprise. The DNA suggests that whales are descendants of the hippopotamus. Yes, the hippopotamus! 12已有一个小孩的罗博乌斯基则找到了一个非常特别的参照点:《饥饿的河马》(Hungry Hungry Hippos)游戏!Wroblewski, father of a small child, has found a unique reference point: the Hungry Hungry Hippos game! 13这些iPhone上自带的绘文字里有鸟,一共七只,有几只非常萌,但没有河马,没有母羊。The set of emojis that came with my iPhone have birds, seven of them, some very cute, but no hippos and no ewes. 14马来西亚Kuala Lumpur的国家动物园中河马妈妈Chombi带着12天大的小河马一起游泳。A12-day-old hippopotamus swims next to its mother, Chombi, at Malaysia's National Zoo in Kuala Lumpur. 15人类正在以不可抗拒的力量,持续破坏着那些亿万年演化而成的生物系统,这些力量可以总结为HIPPO,原意是河马。The human juggernaut is permanently eroding Earth's ancient biosphere by a combination of forces that can be summarized by the acronym HIPPO, the animal hippo. 16但我没法再现桑德拉·博因顿(Sandra Boynton)经典贺卡上的画谜:河马,小鸟,两只母羊。But I couldn't replicate the rebus of the classic Sandra Boynton greeting card: Hippo, Birdie, Two Ewes. 17肯定不是因为这个国家缺少坏脾气的河马和斑马。Certainly not because the country lacked bad-tempered hippos and zebras. 18她画了一幅河马穿紧身衣的图片。She had drawn a picture of a hippo wearing tights.