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Prologue的释义:n.开场白;序言;序幕。Prologue的近义词有以下几个:(1)opening 开口。(2)preliminary 初步的。(3)introduction 介绍。(4)preface 序文。(5)foreword 前言。(6)preamble 前文。(7)prelude 序幕。Prologue例句(1)The prologue of the book is a famous writter.这本书的序言是由一个著名作家写的。(2)At the beginning,I wrote the prologue in Chinese.最初,我用中文写了本版的序言。(3)The murder was the prologue to World War I.这场谋杀是第一次世界大战的序幕。(4)This prologue to Rotary gave me a sound base in what The Rotary Foundation accomplishes.这样扶轮的序幕使我对扶轮基金会的成就有了基本的了解。(5)First,there's this prologue that I started reading at the very beginning of the lecture.首先是序言部分,我在这节课一开始时就读了的。(6)The border incident proved to be just the prologue to a full-scale invasion.那次边界事件仅证明了大规模入侵的序幕。(7)A poor wedding is a prologue to misery.不幸的婚姻是痛苦的开始。(8)On the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.赞美春天的千古绝唱——读乔叟《坎特伯雷故事集·序诗(十八行)》。(9)The murder was the prologue to World War I.这场谋杀是第一次世界大战的序幕。(10)Added a rematch button for final battle in the Prologue when the player loses.为序章添加“重新再战”按钮,好让失败玩家重新开始游戏。


Prologue的释义:n.开场白;序言;序幕。Prologue的近义词有以下几个:(1)opening 开口。(2)preliminary 初步的。(3)introduction 介绍。(4)preface 序文。(5)foreword 前言。(6)preamble 前文。(7)prelude 序幕。Prologue例句(1)The prologue of the book is a famous writter.这本书的序言是由一个著名作家写的。(2)At the beginning,I wrote the prologue in Chinese.最初,我用中文写了本版的序言。(3)The murder was the prologue to World War I.这场谋杀是第一次世界大战的序幕。(4)This prologue to Rotary gave me a sound base in what The Rotary Foundation accomplishes.这样扶轮的序幕使我对扶轮基金会的成就有了基本的了解。(5)First,there's this prologue that I started reading at the very beginning of the lecture.首先是序言部分,我在这节课一开始时就读了的。(6)The border incident proved to be just the prologue to a full-scale invasion.那次边界事件仅证明了大规模入侵的序幕。(7)A poor wedding is a prologue to misery.不幸的婚姻是痛苦的开始。(8)On the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.赞美春天的千古绝唱——读乔叟《坎特伯雷故事集·序诗(十八行)》。(9)The murder was the prologue to World War I.这场谋杀是第一次世界大战的序幕。(10)Added a rematch button for final battle in the Prologue when the player loses.为序章添加“重新再战”按钮,好让失败玩家重新开始游戏。