库拉索芦荟 - 芦荟汇聚地!





1. Paradise 天堂2. Epoch历史或生命中的一段时刻3. Eternity 永恒4. Somnambulist梦游症患者5. Fantastic 美妙的6. Ineffable形容美到难以言喻7. Destiny 命运8. Hiraeth对于无法回去或不曾存在的家所产生的乡愁9. Limerence纯爱10. Aestheticism 唯美11. Freedom 自由12. explosion迸发13. Liberty 自主14. Tranquillity 安宁15. Blossom 花丛16. Sunshine 阳光17. Sunflower 太阳花18. Smile 微笑19. Petrichor初雨的气息20. Gorgeous 绚丽的21. Cherish 珍爱22. Enthusiasm 狂热23. Grace 优美24. Miss 想念;错过25. Rainbow 彩虹26. Galaxy 银河27. Captivate 迷惑28. Bliss 祝福29. Orchids 兰花30. Lullaby 催眠曲31. smashing极好的32. Cosy 舒适的33. Galaxy 天体34. Moment 瞬间35. Cosmopolitan 四海为家的人36. Aqua 水37. Sentiment 伤感的38. Forever 永远39. Paradox 矛盾40. Silhouette剪影41. Delicacy 精美42. Peekaboo 捉迷藏43. Belong 属于44. Smithereens 碎片45. Zing 生命力46. Delicacy 精美47. Unique 唯一的48. Final 最后


“纹身”用英语怎么说?写一句话并翻译成英文。 tattoo He has a heart tattooed on his left hand .(他在左手上文了一颗心。) 意思一: tatoo, 音标:[taˈtuː] 词性:n.(归营号,归营鼓) 英文解释:an entertainment consisting of music, marching, and the performance of displays and exercises by military personnel;a rhythmic tapping or drumming 意思是:军队演练娱乐活动(包括军乐、齐步行进、军事表演及演习等);有节奏的敲击(或击鼓)。 意思二: tatoo, 音标: [taˈtuː] 词性1:v.【给(人,身体部位)文身】 英文解释:(tattoos, tattooed)mark(a person or a part of the body)with an indelible design by inserting pigment into punctures in the skin;make(a design)in such way 意思是:给(人,身体部位)纹身;在身上刺(花纹) 造句:His cheek was tattooed with a winged fist .(他的脸颊上文了一个有翅膀的拳头。) 词性2:n.(纹身,刺青) 英文解释:(pl.tattoos)a design made in such a way 意思是:纹身,刺青。 造句:Somebady who has a tattoos looks so cool.(有纹身的人看起来很酷。) 一句话翻译成英文怎么说 |就算全世界遗弃了你 我都不会离开你 因为你是我的公主| |Even if the entire world abandons you I won't leave you because you are my princess| |Even if the entire world has abandoned you I won't leave because you are my princess| |Even if the entire world abandons you I'll still be here because you are my princess| |Should the entire world abandon you I will still be here because you are my princess| 自己翻译的,用了些不同的词。意思全都是一样的,希望对你有帮助 :) 这一句话翻译成英语怎么说? Maybe Chinese culture is similar to Thai's, I totally agree your point of view, but I don't quite understand what you were trying to say in the last sentence. 一句话翻译成英文怎么写? thank you for looking after me so many years 翻译一句话,翻译成英文 父亲的教诲,请铭记于心。 ------ Let paternal education be remembered forever. (感觉有点像北朝鲜的专制教育) 一句话翻译成英文 XXX同学兴趣广泛、知识丰富,对同学热情, 这使他在学生中颇受欢迎。 【XXX has extensive interest, rich knowledge, and he treats schoolmates warmly, which made him popular among students.】 Your sister said what could talk to her as you were only a student. Strengthen the team spirit and promote mental and physical health we enrich each other leisure activities to promote friendship and understanding 翻译成英文,一句话! That means there will be no boats during holidays and the service people will help you to declare custom. From primary school onwards, we shall have to wear uniforms, school uniforms like the same sport.


   纹身tattooing   背景阅读:   纹身,又称文身、刺青,是用带有颜色的针刺入皮肤底层而在皮肤上制造一些图案或字眼出来。即指刺破皮肤而在创口敷用颜料使身上带有永久性花纹。在皮肤上造成隆起条纹瘢痕的作法,有时也称为纹身。平纹纹身在全世界大多数地区均有实行,肤色较深的民族没有这种习惯,中国近几百年间也比较少见。许多民族认为纹身可以防病袪灾。也有的民族用纹身标明地位、身份或某一集团的成员资格,但最普遍的动机大概是为了美观。    例句:   the distinguishing mark of the species is its plumage; distinctive tribal tattoos; we were asked to describe any identifying marks or distinguishing features.   这一物种的.区别性标志是它的羽毛;区别性的部落纹身;我们被要求描述出一些区别性的标志或者特征。