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accident的读法为[ˈæksɪdənt]。accident读音:英[ˈæksɪdənt],美[ˈæksɪdənt],解释:意外事故。复数accidents。例句1、John's father died in a car accident.约翰的父亲死于一次车祸。2、The accident at the factory was caused by the carelessness of the employees.工厂的事故是由于员工粗心大意引起的。3、Neither you nor she is responsible for this accident.你和她都不用为这个意外负责。4、Thor broke a cup in the coffee bar, causing an accident.索尔在咖啡吧里打碎了个杯子造成一个意外。5、My friend died in a car accident yesterday.我朋友昨天死于一场车祸。


accident读/ˈæksɪdənt/accident一词是来自英语,读音为/ˈæksɪdənt/,其中的音标是为了准确地表示其中的音素内容而使用的。读音详细解释:首先,我们来看这个单词的第一个音素“æ”。这个音素与汉语中的声母“啊”非常接近,但要更短一些。发音时,将口型呈现为一个稍微张开的状态,舌尖稍微抬起。接下来是第二个音素“ks”。在英语中,这个组合通常出现在词的开头。它的发音与汉语拼音中的“克斯”类似。需要注意的是,这两个音素的发音是连在一起的,没有分开的空隙。然后是“ɪ”音素,它发音与拼音“一”相似,但更加短促。发音时,将嘴唇微微收紧,舌尖放在嘴唇后面的位置。最后是“dənt”的部分。其中,“d”音素的发音与汉语拼音中的“的”相似。将舌尖放在上齿槽上方的位置,然后推开舌头,使其与下齿齿龈接触。综上所述,accident这个单词的准确读音是/ˈæksɪdənt/。每个音素都有其特定的发音方式,确保正确地发出这个单词的读音。正确理解和使用这个单词的读音将有助于与其他人更好地交流和沟通。例句:1、Accident y happened yesterday when a car collided with a telephone pole. The driver was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries.(车祸昨天发生了,一辆汽车与电线杆相撞。司机因受重伤被紧急送往医院。)2、Accidents can occur at any time and in any place. It is important to stay alert and follow traffic rules to prevent such incidents.(事故可能发生在任何时间和地点。保持警觉并遵守交通规则以预防这种事故很重要。)3、Despite taking precautions, accidents still happen due to various reasons such as human error, mechanical failure, or adverse weather conditions.(尽管采取了预防措施,由于人为错误、机械故障或恶劣天气等多种原因,事故仍然会发生。)4、When an accident occurs, it is crucial to remain calm and call for emergency assistance immediately. Providing accurate details about the incident helps emergency responders to assess the situation and provide appropriate medical attention.(一旦发生事故,保持冷静并立即呼救至关重要。提供准确的事故详情帮助紧急响应人员评估情况并提供适当的医疗服务。)5、Drivers should always drive responsibly and avoid distractions such as using mobile phones while driving. Such distractions can lead to accidents that result in severe injuries or even loss of life.(驾驶人应始终负责任地驾驶,避免一边开车一边使用手机等分散注意力的行为。这样的分散注意力可能导致事故,造成严重伤害甚至丧失生命。)6、Safety measures like wearing seatbelts, using child car seats, and obeying traffic signals play a crucial role in preventing traffic accidents. These precautions can greatly reduce the risk of injuries and fatalities on the road.(戴上安全带、使用儿童汽车座椅和遵守交通信号灯等安全措施在预防交通事故中起着至关重要的作用。这些预防措施可以大大降低道路上受伤和死亡的风险。)


accident读音:英 [ˈæksɪdənt]。搭配:1、avoid an accident 避免事故。2、bring about an accident 造成事故。3、cause an accident 酿成事故。4、create an accident 造成事故。5、cut down accidents 减少事故。6、expose an accident 遭遇灾祸。7、fear an accident 害怕事故。8、guard against accident 防止事故。9、have an accident 发生事故;遭到意外。10、meet with an accident 遇到不测。11、plan an accident 策划事故。accident的例句:1、His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident.他的左膝在一次交通事故中受伤了。2、Happily, the accident was prevented.很幸运,事故得以避免了。3、The other day I came across an interesting accident.几天前,我碰到一件意外事情。4、I started the hobby almost by accident.我有了这个爱好纯属偶然。5、By accident of birth he is entitled to British citizenship.因出生的造化。


accident用英语读法:英/ˈæksɪdənt/美/ˈæksɪdənt/双语例句:1.These measures would make a valuable contribution towards reducing industrial accidents.这些措施将会对减少工业事故起重要的作用。2.Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.近年来致命交通事故发生率已经下降。3.The government has ordered an investigation into the accident.政府要求对事故进行调查。4.He showed great character returning to the sport after his accident.他在出了事故后仍能重返体坛表现出他顽强的毅力。5.The most serious cases were treated at the scene of the accident.受伤最严重的人在事故现场就得到了救治。6.Traffic is now moving more freely following an earlier accident.早些时候的交通事故过后,现在交通通畅些了。7.This brought the total number of accidents so far this year to 113.这使得今年迄今为止发生事故的总数达到113起。